You can eat health!
Online nutrition and health coaching
… for you, if you want to take your health back into your own hands. It’s easier than you think – I’ll show you how.
A healthy diet is the basis of your well-being. Unfortunately, “how to” is not taught in schools. Most families lack this knowledge completely, so that even children adopt unhealthy eating habits.
Nevertheless, the topic of “healthy eating” seems to be literally on everyone’s lips. At least when you look at magazine covers, blog posts, doctor or cooking shows. Everyone gives their two cents and you’re left confused to the max, wondering who to believe.

I am Alexandra Friedhoff, online nutrition and health coach. For many years I suffered from various diseases. It took me a long time to realize how much influence my unhealthy eating habits had on my illnesses and symptoms.
I am particularly well versed in migraines, depression, anxiety disorders, unilateral hearing loss, cardiac arrhythmias, heart muscle inflammation, cystitis and sugar addiction. I have successfully overcome all of these.
If you are sick, depressed or constantly tired, overweight, these are signs that your current diet does not support your health.
The food industry does a lot to manipulate you through their ultra highly processed products. Be it by adding sugar to products where you don’t expect it.
Be it by adding emulsifiers, stabilizers, unhealthy fats, sickening flavors as well as misleading declarations. Often enough also still completely legally!
Fact is: most people kill themselves with knife and fork! There have never been so many diet-related diseases as in recent years.

“Like a sniffer dog, Alexandra figured out the cause of my morning drowsiness:
Years of consuming sweetened instant coffee laced with powdered milk and E-numbers! After a few weeks, I already feel full of energy and the attacks have disappeared.”
Nicole W.
What are nutrition-related diseases?
They are diseases that arise in connection with too much and/or the wrong food, nutrient deficiencies, as well as too little exercise.
The most common are obesity/overweight, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, elevated blood pressure, high triglyceride and cholesterol levels, and metabolic syndrome. It is also called the “deadly quartet” and includes high blood pressure, excessive abdominal fat, and increased blood glucose and blood lipid levels.
Even lean people can have fatty organs, for example a “non-alcoholic fatty liver.” TOFI = thin outside fat inside, is the name given to these sufferers.

Deaths in 2021 from diet-related diseases (source: Destatis)
Cardiovascular diseases (340,619 deaths) e.g. high blood pressure, heart attacks, arteriosclerosis, heart failure
Cancers (229,068 deaths) e.g. lung, pancreas, breast, colon, prostate, liver, stomach, brain
Respiratory diseases (57,316 deaths) e.g. asthma, bronchitis, COPD, pneumonia

Change your diet and get healthier
Nutritional counseling doesn’t sound very sexy, does it? How about you becoming sexier after you improve your diet? Do you associate a change in diet with renunciation? Then let me present my version of a healthy lifestyle to you 🙂
For me, the low carb diet is a large flower in the middle of a colorful bouquet of ways to become and stay healthy. Other flowers are healthy sleep, exercise, relaxation and supplements. I will advise you according to your ailments which supplements will promote your health. The decision is up to you.

Who´s in control of your health? You are!
Your doctor, the “God in white”, does not know everything. Especially not about nutrition! In Germany this topic is only marginally covered in his studies. With his waiting room always full, he often doesn’t have the time to educate himself. Especially since knowledge has developed rapidly in recent years.
Become independent from his prescriptions. Stop fretting about busy phone lines and full waiting rooms.
Take your health into your own hands. Let me advise you how and invest your precious life time better.
Nutrition is more than eating – healthy nutrition is self-love
This is, what you can learn from me:
1. How your diet and lifestyle have affected your health.
2. What benefits the Low Carb High Healthy Fat diet has for your health.
3. why the nutrient composition is more important than the calorie amount
4. how to trust your body
5. how to become more independent from your doctors through new knowledge
6. how to change your usual meals into healthy alternatives
7. that many medications deprive nutrients and are more likely to cause further illnesses than to heal existing ones
8. What healing effects vitamins, minerals and supplements have.
9. How food is misused to compensate for bad feelings and what you can do about it.
10. what healthy fats there are and why they are so important for your health

Advantages of your dietary change
- More energy
- Gain precious time (because you awake earlier in the morning and feel great)
- Symptoms of illness disappear or become weaker
- You spend less time in your doctor’s waiting room
- You lose weight and/or your body changes favorably
- You unmask nutritional myths (see quiz at the end of this page) 😁
- Cravings for sweets belong to the past
- You pass on your knowledge to your children / family
- Maybe you want to exercise
- You learn how to decipher labels on food packages
- You know which products are good for you and which are not
- Greater self-confidence when food no longer compensates for conflicts
- You may be able to reduce or stop taking medication
- ❌ (please always ask your doctor before changing your medication) ❌
Do you still have objectives?
“Alexandra, I’ll never manage that! I’ve done so many diets and I’ve always fallen back into old patterns. Do I have to stick to the new diet my whole life?”
You don’t have to do anything at all 🙃 I wasn’t the perfect “low carbler” overnight either! No matter what we change (even if it’s just putting the laundry pouf in a different place), it takes a while to get used to it. It doesn’t matter.
I myself live by the “80/20 rule.” 80% of the time I stick to the rules, 20% of the time I eat dishes that are not “low carb”. For example, I sometimes eat a pizza. In the meantime, I’m doing so well that my body can easily cope with it. If I overdo it, I notice it immediately: then I get a migraine.
How strictly you follow the rules in the beginning depends on the severity of your illness and/or your goal. With a few exceptions (which will come from your medical history), you will level off in a way that is conducive to your health.
And just because you haven’t been successful in the past doesn’t mean you won’t succeed easily with the new knowledge 👍

Health quiz
How is your health and nutrition knowledge?
Take the quiz! The more often you answer “yes”, the greater your benefit from my advice will be. Health and joy of life will return when you follow my advice.

That's me
I never had role models for healthy ageing. Most women in my family have lived to be very old at over 90; but their last years were marked by illness, pain, restrictions and lots of medication.
You want to know more about me? Here´s my story.

Here´s my offer
I’m all about the super delicious low carb diet (LCHF (low carb high/healthy fat).
You eat high-quality fat and a moderate amount of protein. Even grandma knew that fat is a flavour carrier – so feast away!